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A Night Out With The Pocket 2 (Testing the DJI Wireless Mic)


“I think we are gonna go uh we are gonna go out walk around see how this guy performs in low light. Maybe I bring this little mic here. Test it out. It's the Dji wireless mic that comes with the Pocket 2. I think it's called the creative bundle or content bundle and we 'll try that. Lets go with that”.

“All right we are at 7.28 (pm) right now. I don't know. I'm gonna get something to eat. I just don't know if I want to go that direction or in that direction. I know I don't really wanna go on that direction because there is really not much that way.

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What Super Power We Would Choose

“What is going on everyone. It’s me TJ Jackson and with me is the one and only  - my youngest son – Rio Jackson. How are you Rio?”

Rio: “Good”

TJ: “Rio you get to come a little closer to me man you are going to come off the screen”.

Rio: “I’m not”.

TJ: “Okay, he is not. We are live of course today’s  day is Wednesday march 30th 2022 and you can  see the living room looks a little bit different.  It looks a little bit more messier. Well i guess it depends what you think is messy and what is not. Rio do you  want to explain why our living room looks different? Why does it look different Rio?”

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